Field Turf Rentals
Our Full Field measures 103 yards by 60 yards. It can be divided into three Fields each measuring 103 feet by 180 feet. All fields may be rented by the hour.
Pricing depends on the season and whether it is prime or non-prime time of day.
To rent Fields or for Field booking information and availability
please contact Tom Sapienza at tsapienza@hampshirehills.com or call 603-673-8123 x218.
Sports Training Field Rentals
Our youth and small group training area is 70 feet by 40 feet of padded turf. It can be divided by netting into two 35 feet by 40 feet sections. To rent the Training Area please contact Sean Wisbey at swisbey@hampshirehills.com or 603-673-8123 x568.
Other Rentals
Track and Driving Range all have daily pricing for individuals.